Acupuncture is the insertion of fine sterile needles into the body at specific points that have been empirically proven effective in the treatment of specific disorders. Acupuncture is based on 4000 year old ancient Chinese theories of the flow of Qi (energy) and Xue (blood) through channels or meridians that traverse the body, similar but not identical to the nervous and blood circulatory systems. When the balance of Qi or blood is disturbed due to trauma, poor diet, medications, stress, hereditary conditions, environmental factors, or emotional issues, pain or illness results. According to these theories, acupuncture regulates this flow of Qi shunting it to areas where it is deficient and draining it from areas of excess. Acupuncture helps the body to regulate and restore its energetic balance. Essentially, acupuncture promotes the free and balanced flow of Qi and Blood. In Chinese there is a famous dictum “There is no pain if there is free flow, if there is pain, there is no free flow.” Acupuncture can be performed with or without electrical stimulation.